The Cure For Conflict Part 1: One on One

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 (ESV)

In speaking to his followers, Jesus tells them, when faced with a situation where they have a conflict with another person to go to the person individually. I believe that 95% of all conflicts could be stopped in their tracks at just this simple point. How many conflicts begin with something that could be a matter of miscommunication or something completely unintentional?

A major problem in our culture right now is that when we have a problem with something or someone, we go straight to facebook, twitter, social media broadcasting to the world. We have a tendency to ramp up our emotions straight to outrage instead of giving each other the benefit of the doubt. What does that tell us that as a general rule when we go all public warfare when most of the time it could be resolved with a simple phone call or over a cup of coffee?

The goal of this one-on-one is not to win the arm wrestling match of conflict or to destroy your brother, but ultimately its about reconciliation and restoration – “If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Most conflicts end up with lose-lose situations, with carnage in its wake. How different would it look when you find reconciliation and gain the relationship, the hope, the life, and the future?

Questions to Ponder:

Who do I need to make an appointment with right now and seek reconciliation for wrongs I’ve committed? To lovingly confront someone over a wrong committed?

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