Stay Engaged

It’s easy to get in a set schedule or routine. As the saying goes, we are often “creatures of habit.” When we do we can lose sight of our purpose and why we are here. My personal life goal and mission is plain and simple to point people to Jesus. At Restoration Church the past few weeks we have been in a message series called “What Happy Couples Know.” Each week I have posted just a quick facebook picture and post as our lead pastor Joey and his wife Nicole have been teaching together.

As you can see from my posts, I’m not the greatest photographer in the world (shot on an iPhone 7 Plus from the third row) and in my second post I didn’t even try to come up with some witty comment explaining why Pastor Joey was wearing his favorite cat apron. Here’s the cool part. One of my coworkers this week who hadn’t commented, liked, shared, or in any overt way interacted with the post asked point blank, “I saw your posts from church – what do the boxes mean with ‘hopes, dreams, and desires?'” In that moment I realized, here is a wide open door to have a spiritual conversation. It allowed me to then briefly share with my friend some biblical truth on marriage while on the clock in marketplace. It was a reminder to myself to stay engaged, to keep pointing people to Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit do His work. You never know what might happen.

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