Sometimes You Have to Laugh

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

Sometimes you just have to laugh. Like just the other night as I was rolling around on the floor with our 1 year old lab puppy my glasses found themselves on the floor and just as I went to pick them up I heard a crunching sound. What I found in all my years of glassendom was a pile of frame and lenses the like of which I had never seen. What appeared before me was what used to be a perfectly fine pair of glasses. My exact next thought became the realization that pile represented my primary and backup pair, yes, my only pair of glasses. Instead of getting angry or stressed out about how I was going to go about rectifying the situation, all I could do was laugh. I mean there was no amount of tape or super glue that was going to fix this one! As I started laughing a passage of Scripture then came to my mind, “For we walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). For the next few days I would literally get to live this one out! I’m thankful our God is a God of laughter and joy because it truly is medicine for my soul.